Calvary Chapel Merced is a fellowship of Christian believers located in the heart of California's Central Valley. Our desire is to grow in our relationship with God through the knowledge of His Son Jesus Christ, to grow in our relationships with one another,
and to let the world know of God's love for them and His plan for their lives.
Following the church's example in Acts 2:42, we continue steadfastly in
the teaching of God's Word, fellowship, communion, and prayer.

Join us as we study the Word of God together!

Calvary Chapel is located at 1345 East Olive Avenue in Merced.
You can send us mail at PO Box 3906, Merced, CA 95344.

We now support online giving!

kgdm Program Guide
Kingdom Radio, KGDM-LP 105.3 FM
is an outreach of Calvary Chapel Merced.
You will find a great mix
of praise and worship music
along with excellent Bible teaching 24/7.
If you are in the Merced area,
you can find us at 105.3 on the FM dial.

Listen to prerecorded sermons
Saturdays at 7:00 PM and Sundays at 6:00 PM.

New service time!

at 9:30 AM
Currently studying
the Gospel of Luke.

Join us
in the sanctuary
or on Facebook.

Ladies Bible Study

Join us in the Fellowship Hall
Tuesdays @ Noon

Midweek Service

Join us in the sanctuary
or on Facebook.
Wednesdays at 6:30 pm
for our midweek service!
We're currently studying
the Book of Deuteronomy.
All are welcome!


Men's Prayer Breakfast

Men, come join us for breakfast,
a devotional, and an opportunity
to pray for one another.
Saturday, April 12th @ 8:00AM
We meet in the Fellowship Hall.

Men's Monday Fellowship

Dinner, worship, and God's Word
is what you'll find at
Men's Bible Fellowship.
Join us in the Fellowship Hall on
Monday, Aoril 28th @ 6:30PM.

For more details on any of our activities call
(209) 722-9948


YouTube Channel!

Our church YouTube channel
is up!
You can now view
our recorded church services
on YouTube.
Click here to see our channel.